Joint Venture or Partnership? Understanding the difference

joint venture and partnership

Definition of Joint Venture

A business arrangement in which two or more parties come together to collaborate and undertake a particular business project or venture is called a Joint Venture. In such a business arrangement, every party involved contributes resources such as capital, specialization, technology and much more to the venture and takes part in the risks, costs, and profits as per the terms of the agreement. Joint ventures can take various forms, including a separate legal entity, a contractual agreement, or a simple partnership. Joint ventures are often used to access new markets, share costs and risks, leverage complementary strengths, and gain competitive advantages.

Definition of Partnership

A business arrangement in which two or more entities congregate to initiate a business venture is called a partnership. A partnership agreement specifies how each party contributes capital, labour, skills, property as well as share  risks, costs, profits, and losses.  A partnership arrangement can exist in three different forms, which are – 

  • A general partnership,
  • A limited partnership,
  • A limited liability partnership.

Talking about the general partnership, all partners have equal rights and responsibilities in monitoring the overall business, while in a limited partnership, there can be one or more general partners who handle the business and one or more limited partners who play the role of passive investors. When it comes to a limited liability partnership, all partners in this arrangement have limited liability for the partnership’s debts and obligations. Partnerships are the type of business arrangements often used by small businesses, professional firms, and joint ventures to combine resources, share risks, and access new markets.

What’s the difference between Joint Venture And Partnership Agreements?

There are several differences between joint venture and partnership agreements in terms of regulations, liability, and tax:

  • Regulations: Joint ventures and partnerships are both governed by different regulations. Joint ventures are typically governed by specific laws and regulations that apply to the type of business venture being undertaken, such as construction or energy projects. However, the partnership agreements are subjected to the laws of the jurisdiction where it is registered.
  • Liability: Liability is another important difference between joint ventures and partnerships. Joint ventures generally limit each party’s liability to the amount they invested. In a partnership, each party involved is personally liable to pay the debts and obligations of the association, which signifies that their personal assets could be at risk if the partnership is unable to meet its obligations.
  • Tax: Joint ventures and partnerships are also subject to different tax rules. In a joint venture, each entity must pay taxes on its share of profits or losses. A partnership itself is subjected to tax, but each party involved in it is liable for reporting their part of profits or losses on their individual tax returns.

Importance of a joint venture agreement

A joint venture agreement is crucial for avoiding the presumption of a partnership and ensuring that all parties involved in the venture understand their respective roles and responsibilities.

The following factors should be included in a joint venture agreement:

  1. Details of the joint venture structure and objectives
  2. Financial contributions and profit/loss distribution among parties
  3. Bookkeeping and audit procedures
  4. Parties’ obligations and warranties
  5. Intellectual property ownership and confidentiality
  6. Procedures for terminating the agreement
  7. Dispute resolution processes

The factors relevant to the specific joint venture agreement may differ from those listed here. Therefore, it is recommended to seek legal advice when drafting a joint venture agreement.

Importance of a partnership agreement

The partnership agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which a partnership may be formed between two or more entities.

The following factors should be included in a partnership agreement:

  1. The purpose and scope of the partnership
  2. The contributions and responsibilities of each partner
  3. Profit and loss distribution
  4. Decision-making processes and management structure
  5. Dispute resolution procedures
  6. Partner’s retirement and dissolution of the partnership
  7. Confidentiality and non-compete clauses

While these factors are important, the particular terms of a partnership agreement may vary depending on the needs and goals of the entities involved.

It is advisable to consult legal experts to ensure that the partnership agreement considers all relevant issues and provides appropriate solutions to all the entities involved.

Comparison Chart

CategoryJoint VenturesPartnerships
MeaningAn agreement between two or more parties to undertake a specific business project or venture together.An agreement between two or more parties to start a business together with a goal of making profit.
Governing ActJoint Ventures are governed by the Indian Contract Act, 1872.Partnerships are governed by the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
Business carried on by Joint Ventures are established for a specific business project or venture.Partnerships can be established for any lawful business.
Status of MinorA minor cannot become a member of a joint venture.           A minor can become a partner, but their liability is limited.
Basis of AccountingJoint Ventures can choose their own basis of accounting. Partnerships must follow the accrual basis of accounting.
Trade NameA Joint Venture can operate under a different trade name.Partnerships can operate under the name of any partner or a fictitious name.
Ascertainment of ProfitProfits are divided as per the Joint Venture Agreement. Profits are divided as per the Partnership Agreement.
Maintenance of separate set of booksJoint Ventures must maintain separate books of accounts.Partnerships must maintain separate books of accounts.

Key Difference Between Joint Venture and Partnership

  • Joint Venture is a business arrangement formed for a specific project, while Partnership is an agreement between two or more individuals to conduct business and share profits.
  • Partnership is governed by the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, while there is no specific statute governing Joint Venture.
  • The individuals involved in Joint Venture are referred to as co-venturers, while those involved in Partnership are known as partners.
  • Minors cannot participate in Joint Venture, but they can be a partner in a Partnership and enjoy its benefits.
  • Partnership involves a specific trade name, but Joint Venture does not necessarily have a trade name.
  • Joint Venture is typically formed for a short duration and does not follow the going concern concept, while Partnership is based on the going concern concept.
  • While there is no specific requirement to maintain books of accounts in Joint Venture, it is mandatory in Partnership.


In conclusion, joint ventures and partnerships are both types of business relationships that involve two or more entities working together towards a common goal but both have certain differences. Joint ventures are typically formed for a specific project or purpose, with a clear timeline for the duration of the venture. On the contrary, partnerships are typically formed for a long-term relationship, with a focus on sharing resources and specialization for mutual benefit.

A clear understanding of the differences between joint ventures and partnerships is essential for business owners and entrepreneurs.

This helps them understand the unique advantages and disadvantages of both the options and make informed decisions about which type of relationship to go for their goals and needs.

Choosing one between a joint venture and a partnership depends on various factors like the goals of the entities involved, the resources available and the level of risk and control desired. By carefully considering these factors and seeking professional advice, business owners can make informed decisions that lead to successful associations.

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